Wetback American

I'm educated but brown so no matter where I go I'm a Wetback American.

Friday, October 1, 2021

As the mom of Blaxican daughters

 My oldest daughter is into martial arts.  She is good.  She's 11 and regularly the men at her gym complain that she hits too hard.  They joke about how "hard" she is and regularly like to remind the person at the other end of her hits that "she's only 11, image if she was our age!"  

I listen and laugh because well it is funny that they are kinda scared of her.  She is strong.  She is beautiful.  She is just amazing and yes she is only 11.  I listen and I also can't help to think about what her life will be when she is their age.  Will she continue with the martial arts?  If she keeps up her training she really is poised to enter the MMA ring and like be good not just get the crap kicked out of her.

But the possibilities of her MMA career really aren't today's point.  I see my child working hard, hitting hard, learning to speak up and I am 1 part proud and 2 parts extremely aware of how important those skills could be in her life.  Not because of a career but because of life.

She is a girl child who is Black and Mexican.  As I was talking to my husband the other night, I told him, "They joke but she has to be hard."  This 11-year-old child is part of 2 communities that are regularly under attack:  

1/4 of the country wants to deport her (just FYI she is a US citizen)

1/4 of the country wants to kill her for the color of her skin

1/4 of the country wants to abuse/use/sexually assault her because she has a vagina

1/4 of the country is just trying to survive too so fighting the other 3/4 of the country really isn't an option

My baby has to be hard because as much as this momma wants to protect her, I know ultimately she has to walk alone.  Sure I can pull her from MMA but that won't protect her from racism.  Sure I can keep her from facing the gauntlet for her BJJ belts and stripes but I can't stop the looks, leers, and comments about her body.  All I can do is be a soft place to land when she is hurt.  I have to be open to having discussions that break my heart.  I want to protect her but I can't live her life.  She has to be ready for the cruelty of the world.  She is Black and Mexican and has struggles I don't have any experience with but she does have a family that can see all of her wonderfulness.

So yes she leaves bruises.  Yes, she wants to submit all of her opponents.  And finally yes, she has all of my support in doing those things.  Today those skills equal a gold medal in a tournament, tomorrow it could mean saving her life.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Open Letter to Texas Sen Rafael "Ted" Cruz

 Dear Sen Cruz, 

I am writing you today to try and convince you to convict former President Trump.  I know that this will more than likely fall on deaf ears but if I don't try it will haunt me so here goes.

Sen Cruz, I know I am at the bottom of the list as one of your constituents.  I'm not ashamed to say that I voted for Beto instead of you in the last election.  But I voted and therefore I have a voice.  I don't have money or power, but I do have a voice!

I know you are focused on being President.  I know you are hoping to turn those Trump republicans into Cruz supporters but I'm going to be frank with you: it isn't going to happen.  You, Sen Cruz, are not White enough, are not extreme enough, and Trump has previously made fun of your family and you instead of standing up like a Texan licked his boots so you are not strong enough.  Those Trumpist will not back you.  You need to be the counter to people like Sen. Hawley.  A republican who stands on his own feet, on his own morals.

Sen. Cruz, I am a long time critic, I'm not going to deny it.  When you come up for re-election, I will do everything in my power to help whoever is running against you.  I pray that before this session of Congress is over you won't be my Senator but I also recognize that right now you have the power so here I am.

What exactly do I want from you?  A secret vote on to convict on impeachment to liberate everyone to vote their conscience.  Sen Cruz, I honestly believe you have a good moral center.  I'm told time and time again that I'm wrong but sir, I believe in your raising.  I believe that justice is more important than ego.  I believe that deep down you do too but that you are now painted in a corner.  If you publically come out against Trump, you will lose any chance at the Trump crowd and therefore the presidency.  I get it you have dreams and aspirations.  In this country, we believe if you work hard enough, anything you want can be yours.  That is why your dad immigrated, right?  I know that is why my parents left their home country.

Along with a secret vote, I want you to vote to convict Trump.  Do it because it is right.  Do it because it sets a precedent you can use on the Democrats later.  Do it because 5 people died on Jan 6th and they didn't have to die.  People were content to be heard on the mall at the rally.  It was then President Trump who encouraged them to go to Congress and attack.  Sir, please understand I believe in protesting.  It is our right as Americans but attacking public officials conducting the business of America is not protest, it is insurrection.  

As for you and your role, history will condemn you.  People like me will be working to replace you.  But until that time, you are my Senator and therefore I implore you to listen to me.  A secret vote and to vote to convict.  History has its eyes on you.  Choose wisely, your legacy, and the fate of our beloved country rests on your shoulders.

Signed, A Voter from Texas